Turkey Pressures Saudi Arabia On Khashoggi Body As Prosecutor Visits

Footage has emerged of a Saudi official acting as a body double for Khashoggi, wearing the journalist's clothes when leaving the consulate to pretend to be the dead man. Photo Credit: Sabah Daily Newspaper/AFP/File 

Turkey on Monday called on Saudi Arabia to reveal the “whole truth” about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, as the whereabouts of the journalist’s body dominated a visit to the country by Riyadh’s top prosecutor.

Khashoggi’s death inside the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate has brought near unprecedented international scrutiny on Saudi Arabia, which is seeking to draw a line under the crisis as Western powers demand answers.

The head of the Saudi investigation, Attorney General Sheikh Saud al-Mojeb, who last week acknowledged that the killing was “premeditated” based on Turkish evidence, met with Istanbul chief prosecutor Irfan Fidan on Monday, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported.

Mojeb was then expected to inspect the Saudi consulate.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Monday said there was “an advantage in our prosecutors sharing information and working together”.

Asked about the whereabouts of Khashoggi’s body, which remain a mystery nearly a month after his death, Cavusoglu said that “as those who committed the murder are in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia has a very large responsibility”.

According to Turkey broadcaster TRT, Mojeb asked Turkish investigators to hand over the full findings of their own probe, but the request was rejected.

TRT said the Turkish prosecutor then demanded Mojeb give up any information of the whereabouts of Khashoggi’s body.

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