Nigeria's Chief Justice Walter Onnoghen Fails To Appear Before Tribunal Again

Walter Onnoghen
Nigeria's Chief Justice Walter Onnoghen has again failed to appear before judges at a tribunal in the capital, Abuja.

He is facing charges relating to failure to declare his assets before taking office in 2017.

This is the second time he has not shown up. He was, however, represented by his lawyers.

A group of peaceful demonstrators backing Justice Onnoghen, including lawyers and supporters of opposition political parties, were outside the court.

They believe the charges against the chief justice are politically motivated, and introduced as part of an effort to replace him ahead of next month's presidential elections.

As the head of the judiciary, the chief justice plays a vital role in settling election disputes.

The government wants him to step aside for the duration of the case, but his lawyers are challenging the tribunal's jurisdiction.

The case has been adjourned to Monday next week.

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