Belgium: Court Orders Facebook To Stop Tracking Internet Users

A Belgian court on Friday ordered Facebook to stop tracking internet users in the country who do not have accounts with the US social media giant, or face heavy fines.

The California-based firm said it would appeal the ruling of the Brussels court.

Facebook must “stop following and recording internet use by people surfing in Belgium, until it complies with Belgian privacy laws,” the court said.

In a statement on its 84-page ruling, the court warned Facebook it could face fines of 250,000 euros per day or a maximum of 100 million euros ($125 million).

“Facebook must also destroy all personal data obtained illegally,” it added.

Belgium’s privacy watchdog lodged a legal complaint over Facebook’s tracking of Internet users when they visit pages on the site or click “like” or “share”, even if they are not members.

Facebook told AFP: “We are disappointed with today’s verdict and intend to appeal.”

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