Digest: What Are Some Daily Habits That Can Change My Life?
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Brieanne K. Tanner |
Brieanne K. Tanner answered on
“1. Mental hygiene: Budget your time perusing around on social media, gossiping, and watching TV. If you watched the last Saturday night live on Jan 27, you’ll see how recycled and regurgitated the script is.
“2. Drink hot water throughout the day. It flushes toxins out faster than room temperature or cold water out. Eat one piece of fruit a day.
“3. Read the global news and local news.
“4. Turn off all electronic devices one hour before bed and don’t check your phone immediately when you wake up. The impressions: negative or positive, may cause a disturbed or over excited mood, throughout the entire day.
“5. Exercise at your own pace.
“6. Go outside. It’s 7 degrees here but invigorating to breathe in fresh air, rather than stale air. Being in nature, no matter what the weather helps us feel connected to source.
“7. Pray or Meditate or Just sit in silence for at least 5 minutes.
“8. Engage in conversation with strangers. If one talks to their friends and family only, life can become bland and bias. Again, the same stale boring feedback from people who already like you. Talk to the people who you know nothing about. The ones you may not like externally. Learn about them. Keeping to oneself can cause self-absorption.
“9. Reach out and Volunteer locally or globally if you have the resources.
“10. Journal. I have journals from when I was 16. I look back on how essentially I am that same exact person in a younger body. Save some words so you can reminisce about them later.
“11. On Sunday, strategize your week with intentions. They just may come into fruition.
“12. Laugh and Relax for at least a minute. Laugh at yourself, and all the contradictions in life. Life is a lot funnier than TV. Make your own reality (but not a rerun) instead of watching someone else’s sitcom.
“13. Clear the head of extraneous thoughts. Write all of the stuff bothering you down. Then burn the paper. Whichever method works, LET GO of the weight of your thoughts.
“14. Smile internally and sleep 8 hours. You may full of fresh new good energetic vibes once you awaken.
“15. ♻️ RECYCLE
“16. Be kind to animals. They’re relying on us right now.”
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