Kaduna Has A Military Administrator Not A Governor – Shehu Sani

   Senator Shehu Sani

Senator Shehu Sani has accused Kaduna State Governor Nasir El-Rufai of tyranny, describing him as a ‘military administrator’, CHANNELS reports.

The All Progressives Congress (APC) lawmaker also reacting to the demolition of APC faction secretariat, a building belonging to Senator Suleiman Hunkuyi, in Kaduna State, said El-Rufai is only angered by his suspension.

An aftermath of crisis rocking APC in Kaduna State saw the emergence of a faction formed by members loyal to the two suspended APC Senators Suleiman Hunkuyi and Shehu Sani. The new faction opened a new State party Secretariat at 11B Sambo close in the state but the building housing the secretariat was demolished on Tuesday, February 20.

Sani, who is representing Kaduna Central at the Red Chambers when he appeared as a guest on Channels Television Programme, Politics Today on Wednesday pointed accusing fingers at Governor El-Rufai over the demolition.

“What is happening in Kaduna is simply tyranny. We don’t have an elected governor we have a military administrator, one who thinks that everything should go his own way.

“He engineered the party to suspend us, to suspend me. That is about a year and half ago. When the suspension (El-Rufai’s suspension) came, he became very angry moving about bulldozers to bring down buildings,” he said.

Sani also said that the appointment of Mr Bola Tinubu as Chairman of the party’s reconciliation committee ahead of the 2019 elections will only be successful if governors cooperate with Tinubu.

“The best option for the party is the path of Senator Ahmed Bola Tinubu and I believe that he will succeed. If he will succeed it depends on whether the governors are prepared to cooperate with him.

“But the fact that the last chance for the party to unite and restore order is for Bola Tinubu to succeed and if he doesn’t succeed, I don’t see any possibility for any other thing to happen than for all of us to go our separate ways.”

He also debunked claims that he has the ambition to become Kaduna State governor for constantly criticising El-Rufai.

“I don’t know when I criticised Babangida, Abacha and other tyrants of the past whether I wanted to be President. When things go wrong, I speak out against President Muhammadu Buhari, does that now mean that I want to be President for speaking out?

The lawmaker pointed out that he has been speaking out for the past 25- 30 years to bad governance, corruption and tyranny.

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