Elon Musk Pulls SpaceX, Tesla Off Facebook

 Elon Musk 

Few days ago, entrepreneur Elon Musk had the official Facebook pages for his Tesla and SpaceX companies deleted.

The #deletefacebook movement has grown after data firm Cambridge Analytica was accused of obtaining the personal information of about 50 million users.

Mr Musk had poked fun at speaker brand Sonos after it said it would suspend advertising on Facebook for one week.

His followers challenged him to have his own companies' pages deleted, which he did within minutes.

Mr Musk said he "didn't realise" that his SpaceX brand had a Facebook page. "Literally never seen it even once," he wrote on Twitter. "Will be gone soon."

Another follower pointed out his firm Tesla also had a profile on the social network. "Looks lame," he replied. Both profiles disappeared within minutes of his posts.

The pages had more than 2.5 million followers each before they were deactivated.


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