'Islam Does Not Belong To Germany' Says New Minister, Horst Seehofer

Horst Seehofer 
Germany's new interior minister has said he believes "Islam does not belong" to the country, in direct contrast with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Horst Seehofer has long been a vocal critic of Mrs Merkel's refugee policies but has now taken up a key role at the heart of her new coalition.

His comments are seen as an effort to win back voters from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.
The chancellor was quick to distance herself from the remarks.

In his interview with the mass-circulation Bild newspaper, Mr Seehofer said Germany had been "shaped by Christianity", and that the country should not give up its own traditions.

"No. Islam does not belong to Germany. Germany is shaped by Christianity," he said.

"The Muslims who live among us naturally belong to Germany... That of course does not mean that we should, out of a false consideration for others, give up our traditions and customs.

"Muslims need to live with us, not next to us or against us."

Mr Seehofer, who heads Mrs Merkel's Bavarian sister party the CSU, also vowed to increase deportations of rejected asylum-seekers.
The chancellor made plain in 2015, amid a rise in anti-immigration protests, that she believed Islam was part of Germany, echoing the words of former president Christian Wulff.

On Friday she emphasised the need for coexistence between religions.

"Our country is heavily influenced by Christianity - and a Jewish influence - but in the meantime four million Muslims are living in Germany and they also practise their religion here and these Muslims also belong to Germany and so their religion, Islam, also belongs to Germany," she said.


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