Cancer Vaccine With 97% Complete Response Rate In Mice Starts Human Trials

Human testing for a cancer vaccine that cured 97 percent of blood tumours in mice will begin later this year.

The tests would be carried out on people with low-grade lymphoma with expected side effects to be fever and injection-site soreness.

The vaccine contains two drugs proven for their safety and injected patients will not need any chemotherapy.

The vaccine works by activating the immune system to attack tumours hence the test on lymphoma which generally responds to treatment.

The researchers implanted two identical tumours in separate sites in mice’s bodies with one tumor receiving the vaccine, This triggered the T-cells which launched an immune response against invading substances.

The degree of response was measured by the jab’s effect on the untreated tumour. Results suggest the vaccine cures multiple types of cancer and prevents the disease from occurring.

The findings have since been published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

“We have a huge problem in cancer and we will never be satisfied until we find solutions for everyone.

”What the study will involve? The vaccine will be tested across two studies. A total of 35 lymphoma patients will take part in the trials overall.” the lead author, Dr Ronald Levy, from Stanford University, said.

Each participant will receive a low dose of radiation alongside two rounds of the vaccine over six weeks. Further details, such as the time between vaccines, are unclear. A similar immune-system targeting approach is already approved for types of leukaemia and lymphoma.

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