Cold War Is Back - Guterres

 Antonio Guterres

The UN’s secretary general, Antonio Guterres has said the Cold War is “back with a vengeance”, warning about the dangers of escalation over Syria.

The US and its allies are considering launching missile strikes against Syria after a suspected chemical attack, an action which Russia – whose forces are there supporting the government- has said would risk starting a war.

Russia has accused the UK of faking an attack, an allegation Britain dismissed as a “grotesque, blatant lie”.

The Cold War, which followed the Allied victory in World War Two, saw the US and its allies facing off for decades with the Soviet Union, of which Russia is the main successor state.

“The Cold War is back with a vengeance, but with a difference,” he said. “The mechanisms and the safeguards to manage the risks of escalation that existed in the past no longer seem to be present.”

He urged countries to “act responsibly in these dangerous circumstances”.

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