Digest: Why Is Life Unfair?

Rohan Kamath answered on Quora:

“You don’t deserve this”

My first week at Stanford and a group of Indians got together for dinner. I was in awe because the people around me were a mix of gold medalists from the top institutes like the IITs, NITs and BITS. I was without doubt the black sheep in the room. 

We were going around doing introductions and when it was my turn I didn’t have any fancy university name or GPA to brag about; forget an AIR (All India Rank), I never even took the JEE. I could feel the eyes judging me, some in admiration for fighting the odds and some snubbing me for being that inferior being who just got lucky. I stood there with my head hanging meekly waiting for the next person to start speaking when suddenly, a guy who had some of the most impressive credentials in that group spoke some words that I will never forget

“There are so many candidates I know who are smarter and more deserving than you. You shouldn’t be here. My batch-mates should have been here instead of the likes of you. People like you come and dilute the prestige of this institute. You should realize that they just brought you in for diversity. You don’t deserve this.”

My initial reaction was that of shock followed by anger. Then came the rush of sadness when I realized that he was right. And then something clicked. I felt happy. He was absolutely right and this made me happy. Sometimes you will get lucky and stumble on good fortunes and opportunities that you absolutely do not deserve. Embrace them. Make the most of them. Do not shy away from the challenge.

A lot of people complain about how life is unfair. I have a different perspective here. LIFE IS UNFAIR. Embrace it. I never see people complain about life being unfair to them in a good way.

- Some of us will be born to loving and caring parents (while thousands grow up orphans).

- Some of us will make friends for life (while millions live and die alone).

- Some of us will find the love of our lives (while others get their heart broken).

- Some of us will stuff ourselves with food today (while millions sleep hungry).

- Some of us will get that success we didn’t deserve (while others get left behind).

- Some of us will be happy and content (while most remain sad and pessimistic).

Disclaimer: Stories culled and pictures posted on this blog will be given due credit and is not the fault of drifternews.blogspot.com if website culled from misrepresents source of story.

1 comment:

  1. Lol....is is that pompous know it all on quora....its come a full circle...ironical....third worlders gonna third world....


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