Preliminary Evidence: Sleep Deprivation Increases Chances Of Alzheimer’s Disease - Scientist

Experts warn getting plenty of shut-eye may be a simple way of slashing chances of developing the brain-wasting disease.

Previous research has hinted at a link between poor slumber and loss of brain power.

Now a trial reveals one night with no sleep significantly raised amounts of dangerous protein, known as beta-amyloid, compared to a good kip.

Scans reveal concentrations were increased by five per cent in parts of the brain most closely implicated with Alzheimer’s.

Experts claim a lack of rest may make it harder for the body to clear the toxins.

And warn their findings support claims that disturbed sleep may be a potential Alzheimer’s risk factor.

Lead researcher Dr Ehsan Shokri-Kojori, from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, said: “Our study suggests that a lack of sleep leads to an accumulation of compounds that may be harmful to the brain.

“And that we should be thinking quite seriously about how much we sleep.

“We exercise, watch our diet, and in the future it is likely we will also make sure we sleep enough.”

Writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, he added: “Our results highlight the relevance of good sleep hygiene for proper brain function and as a potential target for prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.”

The team carried out brain scans on 20 healthy volunteers after an average of 7.3 hour slumber, and following a sleepless night.

Around 850,000 Brits have dementia, and the figure is expected to hit one million within a decade.

There is currently no cure but some drugs can control the symptoms.

It remains unclear whether the brain-wasting condition triggers poor slumber, or whether a lack of sleep itself fuels Alzheimer’s.

Dr David Reynolds, Chief Scientific Officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said it is too early to say whether the odd night of bad sleep has any long-term impact.

He said: “There is growing evidence of a link between disrupted sleep and Alzheimer’s disease, but it is difficult to tease apart cause and effect to determine whether sleep problems might cause Alzheimer’s brain changes or vice-versa.

“This very small study suggests that one night of sleep deprivation can raise levels of the hallmark Alzheimer’s protein amyloid, strengthening suggestions that sleep is important for limiting the build-up of this protein in the brain.”

Prof Tara Spires- Jones, UK Dementia Research Institute Programme Lead, from Edinburgh University, said: “People who were sleep deprived for one night had slightly more of the label for amyloid beta in some parts of the brain than when they had a good night’s sleep.

"This is an interesting study building on recent evidence that sleep is important for clearing amyloid beta from the brain.”

(The Sun)

*Proper rest is non-negotiable. The importance of rest and sleep have been emphasized in many literatures.

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