President Trump Likely To Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Accord - French President Macron Asserts

Emmanuel Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron said he believes US President Donald Trump will pull out of the Iran nuclear deal next month “for domestic reasons”.

According to reports, Macron called the constantly changing US stance on global issues “insane”

Trump has repeatedly threatened to ditch the landmark agreement, which obliges Iran to limit its nuclear program in exchange for the suspension of economic sanctions.

Trump has long criticised the deal as being too soft on Iran, but has signed several waivers to continue the suspension of the sanctions during his time in office.

He has said more recently that he will refuse to sign the next round of waivers on May 12 unless the agreement is amended to take a tougher stance.

“My view — I don’t know what your President will decide — is that he will get rid of this deal on his own, for domestic reasons,” Macron told US reporters in Washington on Wednesday, according to several reports.

He said he did not have any specific inside information, but believed there was “a big risk” Trump would leave.

In reference to Trump having pulled the US from the Paris climate change agreement as well, Macron said changes in the US stance on several world issues might work in the short term but were “very insane in the medium to long term.”

Trump used the same term to describe the Iran deal on Tuesday, speaking alongside Macron at a joint press conference.

“It’s insane, it’s ridiculous, it should haven ever been made. But we’ll be talking about it,” Trump said. “It was a terrible deal.”

A US withdrawal would deal a blow to the other nations that helped broker it. Many had placed their hopes on the French leader to temper his American counterpart.

Iran has also said it will not accept any alternative deal and threatened to resume nuclear activity should the current agreement be scrapped.

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