Saraki, Deputy Senate Leader Saves Buhari From Impeachment

L - R: Muhammadu Buhari - Bukola Saraki

The senate president, Bukola Saraki and the Deputy Senate Leader, Senator Ibn Bala Na’allah on Thursday saved President Muhammadu Buhari from possible impeachment, Daily Trust reports.

An Impeachment motion against President Buhari raised by Senator Matthew Urhoghide and seconded by Senator Chukwuka Utazi suffered set back as the senate president referred the motion to Judiciary and Legal Committee for advice based on the submission of Senator Na’allah.

Speaking during plenary which was monitored on TV, Senator Mathew Uroghide, who moved a motion urged ‎President of the Senate, Bukola Saraki, to allow the chamber to invoke Section 143 of the Constitution.

 Senator Uroghide stated that the President had breached Section 80 of the Constitution which stipulates that all government’s spending must be appropriated by the legislature.

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