UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd Resigns Over Immigration Scandal

Amber Rudd

United Kingdom home secretary Amber Rudd has resigned because she “inadvertently misled” members of parliament over targets for removing illegal immigrants.

Her successor is expected to be announced on Monday.

Rudd, who quit amid pressure over the Windrush scandal, was questioned last week by a Home Affairs Select Committee over quotas for removal of the Windrush generation, the first large group of Caribbean migrants to arrive in the UK after World War II.

Rudd told the committee she had no knowledge of quotas. However, The Guardian on Sunday published a memo written by Rudd in which she said deportation quotas had been set.

Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott, who had repeatedly urged Rudd to resign, said she had “done the right thing”.

“architect of this crisis” – Theresa May – must come before the Commons to explain “whether she knew that Amber Rudd was misleading Parliament and the public last week,” Abbott added.

Rudd, in her resignation letter, said she takes “full responsibility” for the fact she was not aware of “information provided to (her) office which makes mention of targets”.

May said she was “very sorry” to see Rudd leave the Home Office and she should “take great pride” in what she has achieved.

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