Colombia’s Presidential Vote Heads To Runoff

Mr Duque, 41, has taken a hard line against former guerrillas

Colombia’s presidential election will head to a runoff next month, since no candidate won 50% of the vote on Sunday.

With 99.9% of polling stations reporting on Sunday, conservative Ivan Duque was leading with 39% of votes. In second place was leftist Gustavo Petro with 25%, closely trailed by centrist Sergio Fajardo.

The election is seen by some observers as a referendum on the country’s peace deal with FARC rebels.

Six candidates were vying to fill the seat left by departing President Juan Manuel Santos, who was awarded the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the long-running civil war between his government and guerillas from FARC, or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

Under the deal, the rebels agreed to lay down their arms, exit the jungle and pursue their aims via politics rather than guerrilla warfare.

The frontrunners in the election to replace Santos couldn’t differ more on the peace deal. Left-wing Petro supports the deal and blames former President Alvaro Uribe for the turmoil wrought by FARC, while Conservative Duque has taken tough stances against FARC and openly opposes the deal.

In comments made after the announcement that he had won the highest number of votes, Duque addressed his opposition to the deal.

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