Head Of Barbados LP's Sexuality Nobody’s Business – Catholic Priest

Vibert Stephens

At least one member of the Barbadian clergy wants persons to “mind their own business” as it relates to the sexuality of head of the Barbados Labour Party (BLP), Mia Mottley.

Responding to suggestions by Democratic Labour Party (DLP) member Denis Lowe that Mottley should tell Bajans whether or not she is a lesbian, Father Vibert Stephens, head of the St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, said the question is out of place.

“Neither Mia nor Freundel (Stuart) should be asked to do that. I think people are out of order, asking someone to put their shadows in the street for people to walk on. They must mind their own business. Mia is not up for sale or exposure; she is doing a good job, just like the others are,” said Stephens.

Questioning how speaking about her sexuality would help the country, he said that political campaigns, which serve to bring down women, are disgraceful and inhumane.

“All of us are at the mercy of society and the mercy of God, so I don’t see the reason why she should be asked. If she is asked, then every woman and every man in society should be asked to do likewise, because all of us are public beings.”

According to The Gleaner, a DLP member Steve Blackett has said that his colleague's sexuality is a personal one.

“I personally don’t care about anybody’s sexual orientation or their lifestyle. If an individual politician thinks that they should ask of the Opposition Leader about their stance, that is their business. I wouldn’t want anyone to question my lifestyle,” said Blackett.

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