Digest: How To Conceive A Baby Girl - Sex Positions To Adopt, Foods To Eat And Myths To Ignore To Increase Your Chances

While the chances of conceiving a boy or girl are pretty much equal, there are few things which may boost your chances

Boys are great, but many a mum will have daydreamed at some point about having a daughter.

There's no shame in it. It's not to say you don't love having sons. Maybe you live in a boy-heavy house. Maybe you've just always wanted a girl.

As with many aspects of conception and pregnancy, there are many "pointers", theories and old-wives tales surrounding the gender of your unborn baby.

For example, how can you tell if you're having a boy or a girl ? And can you actually help dictate the outcome?

On this latter point, science, according to Huggies , is pretty clear. With each and every pregnancy, the chances of having a boy or girl are equal.

But there are thought to be some steps you can take to at least increase your chances.

Tips on how to conceive a girl

1. Try to have sex 2.5-4 days before you ovulate

In the 1960s, Dr Landrum Shettles developed the Shettles Method.

This advised NOT waiting till you ovukate, because X-chromosome (girl) sperm travel slower than Y-chromosome (boy) sperm and live longer, opening up your conception window.

2. This is where an ovulation chart comes in handy

Keep a track of your cycle - and when you're predicted to ovulate again - so you can have lots of sex before that egg gets released.

3. Then have sex every day from the last day of your period

Simply put, the more sex you have, the greater the chances.

By having more sex, you're then helping to release more of the longer lasting X sperm, which will be ready and primed to fertilise the egg once it's released from the ovaries.

4. Adopt the missionary position

It's believed that certain positions which involve deeper penetration allow the speedier Y sperm to a head start.

Missionary will allow the great sperm race to be on more of an even keel. Because the vagina has an acidic ph, it also means they can get further without dying.

5. Adapt your diet

Boy sperms don't fare well in acidic conditions.

So if you do want a boy, then there is an advantage to including foods high in sodium and potassium.

You can test your vaginal ph with an alkaline testing kit from the pharmacist. If you need to up your alkaline levels, then include foods such as green leafy vegetables, wholegrains, meat, sweets, corn and blueberries.

There's also lots of good news on the girl-friendly foods.

Sweets, lollies, desserts and cakes are all thought to boost your chances.

6. Try not to orgasm

OK, bear with us on this one.

Again, it's all to do with how quickly the boy Y sperm moves on release.

When you orgasm, the sperm can move closer to the cervix, which gives the Y sperm another boost. By not climaxing, it's thought you even the playing field a bit.

7. Talk through all the above with your partner

If you're dead set on completing your family with a girl, then all the above might mean there are changes to your routine.

Not just in terms of sex, but also with meals. Make sure they're on the same page and understand your feelings.

The facts about conceiving girls and boys.

1. An X chromosome linked sperm from your partner needs to get to your egg first to conceive a girl

2. To conceive a boy, a Y linked sperm needs to reach the egg instead.

3. The sex of your baby lies with the man, as they carry both an X and Y chromosome. Women carry a pair of X chromosomes.

And the fiction...

1. Ignore "theories" which state one of the testicles only produces X (girl) sperm and the other only produces Y (boy) sperm. This simply isn't true.

2. Men who are less masculine don't have a higher chance of fathering daughters.

3. And lunar calendars have no bearing or influence over the gender of your unborn baby. The same applies for resorting to homeopathy and assorted complimentary medicine practices.


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