Ghanaians Donate GHC40,000 To Nursing Mother Brutalised By Police Officer

L-R: Godzi Frederick Amanor - Patience Osafo
Madam Patience Osafo, the nursing mother who was brutally assaulted last Friday by a ruthless police officer at the banking hall of Midlands Savings and Loans Limited in Ghana is being compensated by compassionate Ghanaians.

According to reports in Ghana, the mother of three has received over GHC 40,000 (N2.9million)cash donations, foodstuff and clothing from compassionate Ghanaians so far.

Part of the donations made was by MP for Manhyia North, Ashanti region, Hon. Collins Amankwah who reportedly donated GHC2,000 to her and promised to expand her business. Ghana's Peace FM also made a donation of GHC 2,000 for her medical bills and 5,000 for her upkeep.

It was gathered that Madam Patience Osafo had reportedly gone there to withdraw her ‘susu’ savings with the financial institution because she had heard that they were facing a possible liquidation.

According to reports, Midland failed to allow her withdraw her money, however, Madam Patience Sarfo insisted which led to the police man assaulting her.

The video went viral on Friday, July 20, 2018, with many people calling on the authorities to ensure that the ‘wicked’ police officer is brought to book.

The police officer behind the brutal attack, Lance Corporal Godzi Frederick Amanor is currently in Police custody. He has been interdicted and being processed for court on all applicable criminal charges.

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