Imo Deputy Governor Eze Madumere Impeached

 Eze Madumere
The Deputy Governor of Imo state, Eze Madumere, has been impeached by the State House of Assembly.

It was gathered that Madumere was impeached by 19 out of 27 members of the House.

According to Speaker of the House Acho Ihim, Madumere was removed from office following outcome of a report of a 7-man panel, which probed allegations of gross misconduct against Madumere.

The panel was constituted by the Chief Judge of the state.

Madumere’s impeachment is anchored on his absence without reasons for a period of three months and his failure to attend state executive and state security council meetings.

He was also impeached on the ground that he failed to attend meetings with Governor Rochas Okorocha.

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