NCC Fortifies Telecom Consumers

From Left - Right : ACC. Vincent Ajibua, Unit Commander, Federal Road Safety Corps RS 11.22 Owo Unit; Comrade Jide Abdulazeez, Rep of Consumer Advocacy Group,  Mr. Adebayo Adeyemi, Rep. of Ibadan zonal office, NCC;  Mr. Ismail Adedigba, Deputy Director, Consumer Affairs Bureau, NCC and Chief (Hon.) Solomon Adenegani, Rep. of Ojomo Oluda, the Oba of Ijebu-Owo

The Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC has organised a  sensitization programme in Owo, Ondo state.

The 43rd Edition of the Consumer Town Hall Meeting (CTM) tagged ' Using information and Education as Tools for Consumer Empowerment and Protection' is poised to educate, Inform and empower telecom consumers.

The Director, Consumer Affairs Bureau, Mrs. Felicia Onwuegbuchulam who was represented by her Deputy, Alhaji Ismail  Adedigba said one of the Commission's goal as a Consumer-centric institution is to ensure that consumers get satisfaction for the value of money spent. Adding that this necessitated a tripartite meeting of the Regulator, Telecom operators and Consumers with a view of enlightening consumers and resolving burning issues relating to telecom services.

Mr. Adedigba who also reacted to some of the major complaints such as,  unsolicited text messages/calls, refusal to roll over unused data at the expiration of data bundle by service providers, Call Masking/Refiling, noted that the Commission has taken some cardinal steps such as the Toll-Free Line (622), Do Not Disturb (DND) Short Code of 2442 and others. He stressed that the Commission will not relent in resolving burning issues.

He however, urged the Consumers to provide useful suggestions that will help the Commission in serving them better.

Consumer Town Hall Meeting (CTM) is one of the initiatives of the Nigerian Communications Commission tailored to bring Telecom Consumers in the rural areas with Network Operators and the Regulator (NCC) to discuss, proffer solutions to consumer related issues and ensure consumers have value for money through effective service delivery.

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