Nigeria: Biafra Secessionist Leader 'Must Appear In Court' - Judge Insists

Nnamdi Kanu 
A Nigerian judge has said she wants missing pro-Biafra leader Nnamdi Kanu back in court after he resurfaced in Israel following his disappearance last year, the AFP news agency reports.

The head of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) has been charged with treason after campaigning for an independent state called Biafra in south-eastern Nigeria.

In 2009, he set up Radio Biafra, a station that broadcasts to Nigeria from London calling for an independent state for the Igbo people.

He was released on bail last year after spending more than 19 months without trial.

He went missing after his house in the south-eastern Abia state was raided by the military.

But last month a video of him appeared on social media showing him praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

At the hearing in Nigeria's capital, Abuja, judge Binta Nyako ordered the three people who stood surety for Mr Kanu when he was granted bail to produce him in court or forfeit their money, AFP reports.

"I want you to go out to look for Nnamdi Kanu, I gave you a Nnamdi Kanu and you have lost him and I'm not happy with you. I want him back," she is quoted as saying.

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