UK Cabinet Approves Theresa May's EU Withdrawal Agreement

Theresa May 
Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May has said that her cabinet has backed a Brexit draft withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU.

May was speaking after what she said was a “long, detailed and impassioned debate” in a five-hour cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

She said it was a “decisive step” in the progress of Brexit, and would allow the agreement to be finalised.

In her statement outside Downing Street, May said the agreed package was “the result of thousands of hours of hard negotiation with EU officials”.

She believed that “this decisive choice is in the best interests of the entire UK”, adding: “When you strip away the detail, the choice before us is clear.

“This deal, which delivers on the vote of the referendum, which brings back control of our money, laws and borders, ends free movement, protects jobs, security and our Union; or leave with no deal, or no Brexit at all.”

According to reports, the cabinet was “certainly not unanimous”, with nine ministers speaking out against the deal.

The 585-page draft withdrawal agreement has now been published, alongside a shorter statement setting out what the UK and EU’s future relations will look like.

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