Christmas: Pope Francis Admonishes Christians To Share And Give More As They Celebrate Christ's Birth

Pope Francis celebrates a mass at St Peter's basilica in the Vatican. Photo Credit: Tiziana FABI/AFP
Pope Francis has called on Christians worldwide to make “sharing and giving” more a part of their lives as they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas day.

In address to thousands of followers in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome on Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24, the pope said: “Mankind became greedy and voracious.”

“In our day, for many people, life’s meaning is found in possessing, in having an excess of material objects,” he added.

“An insatiable greed marks all human history, even today, when, paradoxically, a few dine luxuriantly while all too many go without the daily bread needed to survive.”

According to him, the birth of Christ pointed to a new way to live “not by devouring and hoarding, but by sharing and giving.”

People should ask themselves: “Do I really need all these material objects and complicated recipes for living? Can I manage without all these unnecessary extras and live a life of greater simplicity?” he asked.

The 82-year-old will deliver his sixth “Urbi et Orbi” address on Christmas Day.

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