Clothing Factory Workers In Ethiopia 'Worst-Paid In The World'

Photo Credit: Global Appeal Forum
According to a new report, Ethiopian factory workers who make clothes are on average the industry's worst-paid in the world.

"The government’s eagerness to attract foreign investment led it to promote the lowest base wage in any garment-producing country - now set at the equivalent of $26 (£20) a month," researchers for the New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights found.

Meanwhile Chinese garment workers earn $340 a month, according to AP news agency, and those in Kenya earn monthly pay of $207.

Research focused on the Hawassa Industrial Park which employs 25,000 workers.

Among the brands whose items are produced there are H&M, Gap, Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.

Authors of the report recommend that a minimum wage be introduced while diversifying into higher-value clothing and other manufactured goods.


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