North Korea Still Builds Missiles Despite Warming Ties – Reports

North Korea appears to be building new ballistic missiles despite recent warming ties with the Trump administration and pledges to denuclearise,  a senior U.S. official reports.

Anonymous U.S. officials told the Washington Post that spy satellites had spotted continuing activity at a site that has produced ballistic missiles.

According to the Post, the officials said the new information reveals that work is potentially taking place on one or two liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missiles in Sanumdong, a suburb of Pyongyang.

Recall that President Donald Trump met North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore in June.

After the first meeting between sitting leaders from the two countries, the two men pledged to work towards denuclearisation. Trump later said North Korea was “no longer a nuclear threat”.

But Trump was criticised at home for making concessions without securing any firm commitment from Kim to end the nuclear and missile programmes.

These are not the first reports that North Korea may be continuing its weapons programme, casting doubt on the real impact of the summit in Singapore.

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