Media Impact On New Age Politics: Lessons From Trump Presidency

Media, be it traditional or social, plays a critical role in shaping opinions of public figures. In today’s fast-paced environment where expediency and sensationalism are the order of the day, emotional intelligence is of utmost importance as an ill-timed or ill-tempered utterance can quickly snowball, ultimately leading to one’s demise. No one in modern times epitomizes this than current president of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

A lot has taken place within the almost two years of Donald Trump's presidency. News about unique-styled, controversial Trump has constantly dominated media headlines locally and internationally, making him one of the most notorious politicians on earth. Seen as a hardliner and goal getter, some if not many view him as a true voice for the American people.

Much would have gone well for him especially at this time as the U.S midterm election draws near; but for always wanting to draw the eye of the public unto himself by his continuous attacks on persons, institutions and the media, especially the television outfit CNN with his quick to use phrase 'fake news' network on every slightest provocation or when his praises are not sung, He has earned the ire of the general public internationally. Trump has certainly not managed his emotions well as a public figure – a trait that might be tolerated in business but destructive in politics!

Trump is currently being plagued by a lot of scandals, unethical behaviors, suspicious connections in and around Trump and his close associates (whether in the Cabinet or the Campaign) and vicious controversies that cannot be ignored. Some of these include firing of former FBI Director James Comey, whom he (Trump) had asked not to investigate his former national-security adviser, his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort being found guilty of 8 out of 18 counts in a financial fraud trial, his former lawyer and close ally Michael Cohen pledging to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller regarding money funneled during Trump's campaign; as well as payments done to porn star Stormy Daniels and a Playboy model Karen McDougal.

Controversies in the international arena include: Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and Iran denuclearization deal, initiating trade wars with China, EU (U.S closest ally for decades) among others, moving the U.S consulate to disputed Jerusalem, indiscriminate slamming of sanctions, the unforgettable 'shithole' statement about Africa, El Salvador and Haiti, his brutal immigration policy that separated children from their parents and constant exoneration of Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S election contradicting reports from U.S authorities, his perpetual show of arrogance. The sheer number of weekly (and even daily) incidents are staggering and difficult to follow. The more evidence of wrongdoing that comes to light, the more certain they are that the conspiracy theory is true.

Notwithstanding, the foregoing would have mattered less if not for his itchy fingers that never leaves his twitter handle. One cannot help but wonder if Trump got the impression that he could simply wrestle the traditional television or the tabloid print sphere with his online micro-blogosphere, or he listens to bad advice or no advice at all. Certainly, he must have thought of upending the media (tv and print) 'fake news' with his handle-wise, polarizing thoughts, but, he might have forgotten something; some of these outfits have been in the business of news reporting for decades. They would not just accept the change without giving a fight back, ripping into his controversial policies and exposing secrets that were far removed from the public’s eyes for decades.

In today's world, the television (media) is considered the new opiate of the masses overtaking religion, and it is not difficult to see why. This assertion about television is not in any way contrasting or undermining the power or influence of the social media. Social media in its own way contributes immensely in the dissemination of information; spreading and fanning the ember of legitimate news, 'fake news' and unverified news and information but most television outfits do a better job, and are more reliable and credible. The argument here is not on the best or most powerful platform, but, tells of how these two platforms have contributed largely in Trump's troubles. Lessons must be learnt from this!

Lesson 1: The media is godlike, it can exalt the lowly and humble and equally bring down the mighty and proud.

Lesson 2: The media could either make or mar a person or thing. There is a lot of information, choose wisely.

Lesson 3: Avoid showing or telling your emotions in the media most especially the social media. This can turn against you.

Lesson 4: Social media could become addictive and invariably a time-waster. Discipline is the highroad to success.

Lesson 5: Avoid saying the unnecessary.

Lesson 6: Choose your enermies wisely.

In conclusion, it behoves all leaders and those aspiring to positions of power and influence to note how the media has impacted President Trump. Whereas his bombastic personality might have led to some success in business, it has no place in politics where shrewdness and diplomacy are the ultimate benchmark separating the mediocre from the great. May he be a lesson to the wise regarding the power of media in making or breaking a man.

Written by Paul Azemata Amune

Disclaimer: Stories culled and pictures posted on this blog will be given due credit and is not the fault of if website culled from misrepresents source of story.

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