Macron Rejects Trump's Call To Isolate Iran

Emmanuel Macron 
French President Emmanuel Macron says Iran should be allowed to keep selling oil and urged dialogue as he rejected a United States push to isolate the Tehran regime.

Speaking to reporters after addressing the United Nations General Assembly, the French President said Iranian sales would bring down the price of oil — a professed concern of US President Donald Trump.

His words: “It would be good for the price of oil for Iran to be able to sell it. It’s good for peace and it’s good for the shape of the international price of oil,” Macron said.

It is understood that France and other European powers are setting up a way to allow businesses to keep doing business in Iran in hopes of avoiding sanctions by the United States, which has withdrawn from the 2015 nuclear deal.

Addressing world leaders shortly after Trump, President Macron credited the accord with curbing the nuclear programme of Iran.

His words: “What will bring a real solution to the situation in Iran and what has already stabilised it? The law of the strongest? Pressure from only one side? No!” Macron said in his address.

“We know that Iran was on a nuclear military path, but what stopped it? The 2015 Vienna accord,” he added.

President Trump has withdrawn from the seven-nation agreement negotiated under his predecessor Barack Obama, calling it a “disaster” and instead of ramping up pressure on Iran including through renewed sanctions.

Trump, who is supported by Israel and Saudi Arabia, has sought to roll back Iranian influence around the Middle East, including in war-ravaged Syria.

Reacting to Trump’s decision, President Macron said: “We should not aggravate regional tensions but rather through dialogue and multilateralism pursue a broader agenda that allows us to address all the concerns caused by Iranian policies — nuclear, ballistic, regional.”

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